Monday, June 15, 2009
笑话一则 >^v^<
=妈妈心想親愛的兒子:我這封信寫得很慢 因為我知道你看字不快
玛雅人的预言,2012年12月21日世界末日... 啊啊啊啊!!!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
mEanIngfUl mIsSI0n ...
haha, they r Xing Yee n Shu Yuen... nice ba... Xing Yee was act as a India lady while Shu Yuen was act as a high-ranked imperial c0ncubine 0... haha...
y0y0y0y0,nice gua, they r Yi Hui n Chia Xin le... haha, b0th tw0 0s0 act as the high-ranked imperial c0ncubine tht same wif Shu Yuen... haha, pretty lei... nt same as their n0rmally image 0...
haha, the right hand sides 0nce i think nt nid t0 introduce again gua... hihi, the left sides 0nce is my g00d fren Beng Kit... he was act as a prince tht live in ancienty... ai, pity tht his b0dy was t00 thin, if nt he wil b more hands0me de... wakaka... ^v^
huhuhaha, the left hand sides 0nce is my an0ther g00d fren Yi C0ng while the right hand sides 0nce is me la... wakaka, b0th 0f us was act as the disciple 0f Bodhisattva... nt bad ba? eh, t0ld u the truth, Yi C0ng n Yi Hui r the sis n br0 0... d u trust me? hihi...
tis was 0ur wh0le 0blig0r pic... all 0blig0r was in tis pic le... thx 4 u 0... cuz n0 u 0 den tis activity i think w0n b t00 easy t0 carry thr0ugh... thx yar... wish u 0 祥和夜快乐...y0y0... happy n felicity everyday... h0pe nex year til gt it... kampatek...
Thursday, June 4, 2009
spm c0ming s00n... +U+U <^v^>
since the mid exam until nw,
i til hvn update my bl0g 0...
sry le...
these exam was giv 0ut mny tr0uble t0 me...
make me s0 tension everyday,
make me s0 unhappy everyday,
make me s0 busy everyday...
n s0o000o 00oon...
i til cnt b relax,
cuz after these mid year exam,
d 0ther TRY EXAM is c0ming so0n,
wa, s0 stressful...
i sh0uld b hard m0re le...
cuz d0n 1 study the F6...
i wanna g0 t0 study the f0undation directly...
i d0n wan study in here anymore...
i wanna leave 0ut here...
fren, kambatik le...
spm c0ming s00n...
d0n keep 0n playing, kidding, eating le...
sh0uld b m0re hardw0rking le...
cuz the time is nt waiting 4 any ppl include urself...
b hard in tis few m0nth...
after the spm is 0ver,
den we jus cn relax le...
wish 0 my frens are all in wel,
gt the best result in own exam...