Monday, June 15, 2009

笑话一则 >^v^<

=妈妈心想親愛的兒子:我這封信寫得很慢 因為我知道你看字不快

玛雅人的预言,2012年12月21日世界末日... 啊啊啊啊!!!

也许..大家可能不会相信.因为开始我也是这样的..但是.后来,我看了下相关资料.觉的有些奇怪...之前完全不相信的态度也有所改变.. 了解历史的亲可能都知道消失的玛雅文明吧..玛雅人在一瞬间全部消失..谁也不知道他们去了哪里.至今,这仍是一个密团.但是.玛雅人留给我们太多的问题了...他们的预言百分之99都变成了现实..他们预测到了汽车,飞机的生产日期.有些亲可能会问.他们怎么会知道以后有一种东西叫做汽车..这也正是奇怪的地方.在埃及.一些玛雅文明研究者.在他们生活的地方和一些石头上发现了这些.他们预测了西特勒出生和死亡的日期..完全一样.... 人类历史上的3次大浩劫...其中一次就出现的玛雅人身上..即使他们预测到了也改变不了.....那一次..就是上面我所说的 消失的玛雅文明. 依照玛雅历法,地球由始到终分为五个太阳纪,分别代表五次浩劫,其中四个浩劫已经过去 当第五个太阳纪来临,太阳会消失,大地剧烈摇晃,灾难四起,地球会彻底毁灭,按照马雅历法是三一一三年,换算为西历便是二○一二年十二月二十二日。 虽然很多民族都有末日预言,但为何玛雅人所说的末日预言,会受到人们的重视,原因是玛雅历法的计算,非常准确,从玛雅人的历法得知,他们早已知道地球公转时间,是三百六十五日又六小时又二十四分二十秒,误差非常之少。另外对於其他星体的运行时间,在计算上亦非常准确,对於数学上「○」的单位数字,早在三千年前,玛雅人已经使用 而且他们所绘制的航海图.比现在任何一个都要精确... 玛雅人说2012年12月21日的黑夜降临以后,12月22日的黎明永远不会到来... 而他们预测世界末日的毁灭方式是...人类自杀...剩下的人自相残杀....美国航天局和世界上一些著名的语言家都证实了玛雅的预言.. 当然...这些并不绝对....只是有一点...玛雅人所说的2012年...地球将会发生重大的改变...这是肯定的... 接下来的更加KB::: 人类经过5次文明(我也不相信) 这五次文明是这样的: 一。根达亚文明,(超能力文明)1米左右,男人有第三只眼,翡翠色,功能各有不同。有预测的,有杀伤力的等等。。。女人没有第三只眼,所女人害怕男人。但是女人的子宫有能神的能力,女人怀孕前会与天上要投生的神联系,谈好了,女人才会要孩子。此文明毁于大陆沉没。 二。米索不达亚文明(饮食文明)这个文明是上个文明的逃亡者的延续。但是人们把以前的事忘却了,超能力也惭惭清失了。男的第三只眼开始清失。他们对饮食特别爱好,发展出各色各样的专家。这次文明在南极大陆,毁于地球磁极转换。 三。穆里亚文明(生物能文明)上个文明的逃亡者的延续,他们的先祖开始注意到植物在发芽时产生的能量,这个能量非常巨大,经过一个世纪的改良发明了利用植物能的机戒,这个机器可以放大能量,该文明毁于大陆沉没。 四。亚特兰缔斯文明(光的文明)继承上个文明,这里用继承,不用延续是因为,亚特兰缔斯来自猎户座的殖民者。他们拥有光的能力。 早在穆文明时期亚特兰就建立了。后来这两个文明还打核战争。 五。我们存在的文明 (情感的文明)会使用情感,于2012年12月冬至灭绝...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

mEanIngfUl mIsSI0n ...

yeah,i achieve my meaningful missi0n ady finally...
s0 glad sia...
n felt thankfulness 0s0 t0 the ppl wh0 help in tis activities...
6th 0f June in tis year,
0h,a vry beauty Arabic numerals (六六大顺嘛,haha)...
tht day, Yi Hui, Yi C0ng, Xing Yee, Beng Kit, Shu Yuen, Chia Xin n me was take part in tis annually m0ment0us day...
祥和夜...Ya huuuuuu....
by way of tis day,we spent 0ut t00 much time n spirit...
we all had been dead beat n sweatiness...
anyway, jus we all vry tired...
but then, we all c0nsider it was vry vry vry w0rthy,
b'c0s it let us n0e tht the significance 0f unity...
f0r eg. (i 4gt wh0 said ady)
an activity cnt b achieve when jus hav a ppl is d0ing,
it nid the strength 0f 0ther ppl,
unity is strength, den jus cn gt the perfect result...
certainly, hard to av0id wil occur the dissension...
but at the las minutes,
all ppl til wil cooperate t0 make sure the activity cn carry through...
0kay la, st0p it 1st la...
lets us g0 t0 enj0y the pic tht i had upl0ad at bel0w...

haha, they r Xing Yee n Shu Yuen... nice ba... Xing Yee was act as a India lady while Shu Yuen was act as a high-ranked imperial c0ncubine 0... haha...

y0y0y0y0,nice gua, they r Yi Hui n Chia Xin le... haha, b0th tw0 0s0 act as the high-ranked imperial c0ncubine tht same wif Shu Yuen... haha, pretty lei... nt same as their n0rmally image 0...

haha, the right hand sides 0nce i think nt nid t0 introduce again gua... hihi, the left sides 0nce is my g00d fren Beng Kit... he was act as a prince tht live in ancienty... ai, pity tht his b0dy was t00 thin, if nt he wil b more hands0me de... wakaka... ^v^
huhuhaha, the left hand sides 0nce is my an0ther g00d fren Yi C0ng while the right hand sides 0nce is me la... wakaka, b0th 0f us was act as the disciple 0f Bodhisattva... nt bad ba? eh, t0ld u the truth, Yi C0ng n Yi Hui r the sis n br0 0... d u trust me? hihi...

tis was 0ur wh0le 0blig0r pic... all 0blig0r was in tis pic le... thx 4 u 0... cuz n0 u 0 den tis activity i think w0n b t00 easy t0 carry thr0ugh... thx yar... wish u 0 祥和夜快乐...y0y0... happy n felicity everyday... h0pe nex year til gt it... kampatek...


Thursday, June 4, 2009

spm c0ming s00n... +U+U <^v^>

since the mid exam until nw,
i til hvn update my bl0g 0...
sry le...
these exam was giv 0ut mny tr0uble t0 me...
make me s0 tension everyday,
make me s0 unhappy everyday,
make me s0 busy everyday...
n s0o000o 00oon...
i til cnt b relax,
cuz after these mid year exam,
d 0ther TRY EXAM is c0ming so0n,
wa, s0 stressful...
i sh0uld b hard m0re le...
cuz d0n 1 study the F6...
i wanna g0 t0 study the f0undation directly...
i d0n wan study in here anymore...
i wanna leave 0ut here...
fren, kambatik le...
spm c0ming s00n...
d0n keep 0n playing, kidding, eating le...
sh0uld b m0re hardw0rking le...
cuz the time is nt waiting 4 any ppl include urself...
b hard in tis few m0nth...
after the spm is 0ver,
den we jus cn relax le...
wish 0 my frens are all in wel,
gt the best result in own exam...